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Travel Tales: South Carolina

Travel Tales: South Carolina

In my new Travel Tales series, I share slices of life from my adventures at home and on the road. In this edition, I talk about a visit to my parent’s farm in South Carolina and my daily walks with my dad and his BFF (best furry friend), a fat grey tabby named Mo, around the property.

Travel Tales: The Hardest Part of Travel

Travel Tales: The Hardest Part of Travel

The hardest part of travel isn’t the jet lag, food poisoning or being stuck in the middle seat on a 12-hour flight. It’s something much more complex—it’s actually coming home. I’ve always struggled with the notion of home, which I dig into in this personal essay

Best of 2022

Best of 2022

Every month of 2022 felt like a different life. It was a blur of places across four continents—both new and old—and reunions with old friends. Every year, I share a recap of my favorite adventures and photographs. Here’s the 2022 photography edition!

Travel Gift Ideas

Travel Gift Ideas

Some I’m back on the road, I have collected a list of my favorite travel items that I have discovered this year that have made my life easier. Here are a few ideas (both big and small) to help you find the perfect gifts for friends and family this holiday season.

New Location Guides

New Location Guides

For two years, I’ve been freelancing for the Washington Post travel section, writing and shooting various travel stories. I’ve collected several of my stories below to make them easily accessible for location guides for Marfa, Ocracoke, New Mexico, Puerto Rico & Buenos Aires.

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